"It has been an immense pleasure to reconnect with Yuri, and I’m very grateful she was willing to help me through some pivotal moments in my personal and professional life.
We started first exploring and sharing our parenthood experiences. My personal situation is quite complicated, and Yuri was very helpful, giving me feedback, helping me figure out a plan of action and most importantly giving me hope and belief, that with time and hard proactive work, situations and relationships will improve.
She was also able to help me with my professional life, and career transition. She is a dancer herself and she knows the industry like the back of her hand. I couldn’t ask for a better and more knowledgeable coach. She guided me through my career transition, the application process, the interview process and with strategic communication plans. Everything was so effective and I got the best outcome possible. I was able to transition smoothly into my next career, taking on a role that is exactly what I was dreaming of.
Thanks to her I have learned so much about myself and my skills. She has also pushed me out of my comfort zone, to reach out for what I really wanted. I have grown so much as a person, as a parent and as a leader. Thanks to her, I feel very comfortable in all the role that I have in my life. They all come with ups and downs, and with their own challenges, but what I have learned from Yuri’s coaching is that honest communication, hard work and perspective are keys to live a balanced life.
Her style of coaching resonates very much with my personality. She is an amazing listener, and a wonderful kind human being. She is able to hold up mirrors to my perceptions, attitude, behavior, and overall leadership capabilities."
July 2018
Domenico Luciano Denver, USA
"My life coaching experience with Yuri has been immensely transformative, mind-blowing and quite an adventure! Each meeting was uplifting, enlightening, educational, loving, inspiring and could turn a bad week into a good one! Priceless!
Throughout my life fear and a lack of confidence have made change and growth difficult, frightening and sometimes frustrating. During our sessions Yuri asked incredibly relevant questions that required a lot of thought and honesty from me. Yuri welcomed all of my answers with encouragement and support. It quickly became easy to be completely honest with Yuri and with myself which led to the uncovering of emotions and truths that I would normally keep hidden. It was revelatory!
Looking back at my early notes I am surprised at how far we have come (in a relatively short space of time) and how different life looks now. We began with The Wheel of Life and progressed to deep conversations about courage, values, emotions, thought patterns and so much more. I learned about challenges and opportunities, choice and strength, love and kindness, patience and understanding. We talked and talked, I brought problems, fears and anxieties, Yuri brought positivity, good will, love, empathy, empowerment and in turn, we arrived at solutions and strategies!
Yuri’s style of coaching is full of goodness and excellence. Her perception and summarising skills are exceptional. She has ingenious ways of helping you find solutions that are true to a person’s core values and reinforce these values therefore creating a belief and confidence that is unrivalled. Yuri helped me to feel better and to be better, to see things more clearly, to face difficult situations with a smile and come out the other side still smiling. She taught me to ask myself simple but empowering questions. Yuri has been and continues to be contactable the whole time. She replies to emails swiftly, our meetings were organised professionally and reminders sent to me each week which I was grateful for. Yuri is always genuinely happy to hear about any challenges that I have faced throughout the week and is always interested to find out how I overcame them, how I felt about them and is elated when I tell her about my ‘successes’.
Life coaching with Yuri has had a profound effect on my life and I shall be forever grateful."
June 2018
Katia Massey United Kingdom
"First of all I would like to say thank you to Yuri for being such an amazing life coach. She is very professional, passionate and has helped me find my own direction with such enthusiastic positive energy!
Yuri is like my personal trainer in life! I was struggling with some personal issue but couldn’t figure out what it was. Through having our weekly session, she helped me discover something that was deeply bothering me in my subconscious. I was amazed by it. Through the sessions I learnt to use different ways to express my feelings as well as changing my mindset. I am extremely grateful for all of her help and wisdom."
May 2018
S.B. United Kingdom
"Yuri has guided me through a journey that I didn't know was very overdue. Before meeting her, I tended to speak negatively to myself and operate with a high level of anxiety and self doubt. While these are still things that I struggle with on a daily basis, she's taught me how to use positive thinking, through self affirmation to overcome these issues. Changing my language has helped me tremendously. Yuri also taught me how to go after my goals. I was planning a wedding, becoming a step father, and chasing a promotion all while we were working together. She encouraged me in a way that made me feel that the gifts I needed were already inside of me. She helped me with my issues of guilt for not being further along on my journey and replaced them with ambition. I am now married to the love of my life, and am learning how to be a husband and a step father. I know from what she taught me that my gift of empathy and my generosity for those that I love will support me as I start this new chapter of my life. With her help I also received the promotion that I have been chasing for about two years. This felt like a huge accomplishment but one that I know I just needed the confidence to achieve. Yuri helped me not feel stuck or stagnant and locate that confidence within myself.
Her coaching style is fun and guided by intentional listening. She lets the client decide what they want to work on that day and really gets curious on what obstacles are keeping her client back. She gently puts a stop to negative thinking by using exercises that will help her clients implement self encouragement. Often times those aha moments came from giving me the space to see myself in a more objective and constructive way. I really enjoyed our sessions and feel lucky that she has guided me closer to my goals.
You have a truly charismatic and light filled energy that is contagious in your sessions. I hope to work with you again in the near future! Thank you Yuri!"
July 2018
Jeremy Rau Denver, USA